Inspirations and sketches from my studio in the Catskill Mountain. The solitude of my Artist Retreat compels me to keep exploring, seeing, experimenting, and painting all the picturesque quality outside my window.
like all the painters of Hudson River School: such as T. Cole, F. Church, W. Whittredge, A. Durand, we spend alot of time painting numberless twilight scenes of these lovely rolling hills & valleys...
a big part of being an artist is visiting museums and gallery, always looking always learning...this triptych idea came about from a recent visit to a gallery, the artist recorded the same scene within one hour...
the darkest skies at 6am outside my window, reminded me of the mystical, moody, dark landscapes of Albert Ryder Pinkham from the 8am, it turned into a most beautiful morning
since moving up to the Catskill Mountain, I've come across a number of fabulous little museum...saw an interesting exhibit at the Arkell Museum, Canajoharie, NY....which tie in with my time on the beach this summer...."Reflection on Water" is drawn from the collection of Arthur Phelan
find myself in many different places this summer, from time on the beach to the tons of sketches to post; this view is from the reservoir at Central Park, NYC,facing sketchbook on the railing with a summer breeze from the water, joggers zipping by at 8 pm....
"when I go into the countryside and see the sun and the green and everything flowering, I say to myself: yes, indeed, all that belongs to me!" HENRI ROUSSEAU